Sunday, 31 May 2009

Screwed Up Celebrity Quiz

Mad Men Special begins. Can you guess who the Screwed Up Celeb is? All these Screwed Up Celebs are from the 1960's this week.I think this one is an easy one to start off with. I'm posting one a day from now on. Good Luck.

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Starting tomorrow...

Follow the tweets too at

Pope visits Jordan

Katie Price calls in higher-d help

I love this headline

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Screwed Up Celebrity Quiz Answer was...

Did you guess that this weeks Screwed Up Celebrity was wild child Drew Barrymore?

Click on 'Quiz' to see more. There'll be a new one posted very soon too.

Michael Jackson Art

Man, does this guy have seriously BAD taste in art. I mean, dreadful! It's like a bad raffle win. Proves money can't buy taste.

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Recepie: Guns and Dildos

My latest foray into the world of celebrity is to invent cocktails. This one I have called 'Guns and Dildos'. Mainly because it sounds cool. And because it mixes hard-nosed Bourbon with airy-fairy Archers. Wouldn't it be funny if it became THE celeb drink of choice. Ask for it in your local nightspot. These are the ingredients:

1 shot Bourbon (ideally Makers Mark)
1 shot Archers Peach Schnapps
Half a shot of Cointreau
1 shot of freshly squeezed lime juice.
Mix it all up and serve with plenty of ice.


Thursday, 14 May 2009

BRAND NEW - Screwed Up Celebrity Quiz

Well, it's an old idea. But an old favourite. Can you guess who this Screwed Up celeb is?

Answer next week sometime. And if you want to see more of these just click on the "QUIZ" button on the right. Enjoy!!!

New Home!!!

Sorry. The Friends of Celebrities had to take a back seat as I moved into new premises. But THE AGENCY THAT SUPPLIES GROUNDED FRIENDS TO CELEBRITIES is back once again!

I'm going to find lots of new ways to entertain The Friends and better ways to get celebrities to utilise my unique services. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear from you.