Sunday, 9 December 2007

Spice Girls Comeback

Friends of Celebrities
The first agency supplying grounded friends to celebrities
Monday10th December 2007

It’s a positive note this week as the much criticised Spice Girls comeback tour kicked off to much fanfare. The word is that it’s a great show. Here’s all the other news from the greatest show on earth – The Friends of Celebrities Newsletter…


Amy Doing More Drugs than Ever
Why doesn’t anybody ever get on with their mother-in-law? In Amy Winehouse’s case it’s probably because she has just told the world that Amy is neglecting her jailbird husband and is taking more drugs than ever. Nice.

Luckily for Amy her friend and fellow crack-head Pete Doherty has been coming round to her house at 4 in the morning for a session. We hope that’s a jamming session, rather than a huge session of coke. What was that big bag of white powder photographed in Amy’s car trunk? I’m talking about the back of her car, of course not her nose.


Revolver Re-loaded
Madonna’s hubby Guy Richie is re-releasing his huge flop of a movie Revolver in the U.S. Lets hope no one remembers it was awful, although it was so bad they probably will. Lets hope he doesn’t shoot himself in the foot second time around.


Celebrity Lego Sets
Go to the homepage to see the newest celebrity lego set of gun-toting Phil Spector. Bang!


Brad Pitt Eco-Warrior
Good on you Bradley. While your wife is saving the children of the world you are making a difference in the hurricane hit area of New Orleans. He has put his own cash into a project that will design and build flood proof homes. Go Brad!


Heaven Knows Who’s Miserable Now
Pop Diva Morrisey, famed for being super miserable and pretentious (as well as writing some amazing songs) is suing a music newspaper. He claims the NME took comments he made out of context in order to claim he was a racist.


Mika Has Day Off School
Children’s party entertainer Mika has cancelled his UK tour because of a virus. The squeaky star had a note signing him off by his mum.


Relationships On:
Lewis Hamilton + Nicole Scherzinger (in his dreams)
Robbie Williams + Ayda Field
Alex Zane + Sadie Frost
Jessica Simpson + Tony Romo

Relationships Off:
Hulk Hogan + Linda Hogan


This Weeks Top Celebrity Searches

1. Jessica Alba
2. Cameron Diaz
3. Jessica Simpson
4. Paris Hilton
5. Alicia Keys


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Worlds Richest Dog Stalked
No, I’m not talking about Paris Hilton. The World’s richest dog, Troubles is living up to her name by receiving death threats. She is using false names and her food is made by top chefs.


Jonathan Rhys Meyers handed a caution for his attempt to board a plane while drunk.


Grooverider Heading for Jail
Last week we reported that the DJ had run into a spot of bother at Dubai Airport. It now looks like he could spend up to 4 years in jail after been caught smuggling a small quantity of marijuana and porn into Dubai in his record collection.


Weekly Britney Crisis
It was a week like any other for the troubled star – with a huge crisis. Britney is reportedly being accused of multiple counts of multiple child abuse and neglect. And of course there’s another child on the way. Poor Britney. She’s needs a friend like us.

She also is being investigated for allegedly stealing £14,000 worth of fur coats from a designer and running over a Sheriff’s Deputy while driving away from court. Well, makes a change from a photographer.


Lazy Lohan has been photographed all week with super heroes and their kids for a German magazine shoot.


Scarlett Sues
Scarlett Johansson is suing an American magazine after it claimed she had plastic surgery on her nose. The star vehemently denies ever having any surgery and is against it. She is hot enough already, we think!


And Hudgens Sued
Vanessa is being sued by an agent after they claim she took too long to turn down a contract. Ridiculous!


Doherty Punched in the Face by Drug Nutter
Poor Pete. He moved to the countryside to get away from the drugs. But while having a quiet drink in his new pub the local drug dealer came in and punched him in the face. The man who neighbours say is a psycho shouted at Doherty to only buy his drugs from him. Nice.


Lily Allen avoided her dad at the Comedy Awards this week despite both being present.


Keifer Sutherland Behind Bars
He checked himself into jail this week to start his 48 day sentence for drink driving and breaking his parole. This means he’ll be spending Christmas in the slammer. No turkey for him then!


Amy Sings the Blues
Although she has cancelled her tour for being a complete mess she did have time to play a short set at the Jazz Café. However, reports are that she was less than organised.


Robbie Williams to Join Take That
We’ve heard the rumours before but word on the street is Robbie is ready to join his former band on tour. While Robbie’s career is flopping, the washed up boy band is taking the world by storm. Apparently Robbie wants a piece of the action. Despite having to pay half a million quid to their former manager this week after saying he stole money in his song lyrics.


Goodfella Escapes Jail
Ray Liotta has been let off with a fine for dangerous driving. The gangster film star crashed his vehicle into two parked cars. Naughty, naughty.


What a Shambles, Baby
The band Babyshambles had to get a guy in the audience to stand in for Pete Doherty after he failed to turned up. Maybe because he was buying drugs from the guy who punched him in the face.


Lily Allen Get Mobile Phone Rebate
Lily made £140,000 for a 40 minute set this week. She boasted to the audience at Paper nightclub about being paid so much for the Nokia Christmas party, but it was worth it. They got a free bit of advertising right here on the Friends of Celebrities.


And finally…
This week in England a man was arrested for faking his own death, returning after five years claiming he didn’t remember a thing. It’s not celebrity news, but interestingly he was travelling the world on a fake passport under the name John Jones. I just want it know that it wasn’t me, ok?

Thanks for signing up. Please tell your friends who haven’t signed up to get the newsletter and thanks to everyone who has been emailing me at

See you next week and keep going to the website for more great stuff coming very soon.

Founder of Friends of Celebrities

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