The poor guy has just weened himself off Heroin and Crack and all the papers and magazines are laughing and complaining that he is fat!! Well, what do you expect? When he was strung out on Horse, 'eating' probably wasn't the first thing on his out of control mind. It's called looking after yourself. Don't listen to them Pete, go up to buffet and help yourself to thirds.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Give Dog-herty a break
The poor guy has just weened himself off Heroin and Crack and all the papers and magazines are laughing and complaining that he is fat!! Well, what do you expect? When he was strung out on Horse, 'eating' probably wasn't the first thing on his out of control mind. It's called looking after yourself. Don't listen to them Pete, go up to buffet and help yourself to thirds.
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