Friends of Celebrities
The first agency supplying grounded friends to celebrities
Monday 11th August 2008
Special political edition. Not. But Paris Hilton was officially hot this week, nominating herself as a presidential candidate.
Multi Million Pounds Babies
$15 million. That’s what magazines Hello! and People paid for the first pics of Brangelina’s new additions (editions?). Better still, all the cash will go to the Jolie-Pitt charitable foundation.
Joss Stone head-butts brother
Soul singer, Joss Stone head-butted her own half-brother at the Christening of his child. She got into an argument after she was late, despite being the Godmother.
Heath Ledger
Mark Kate Olsen has refused to talk to police leading the enquiry about her friend Heath Ledgers death, without first demanding anonymity. Which, as the only one of his friends to do this, begs the question what does she have to hide? The case though is now closed.
This Weeks Top Celebrity Searches
1. Angelina Jolie
2. Brad Pitt
3. Heath Ledger
4. Morgan Freeman
5. Paris Hilton
Screwed Up Celebrity Quiz
Did you get that last week’s answer to the quiz? It’s posted now on the blog, so check it out. There’s a new quiz posted here plus a whole lot of other stuff too.
Relationships On:
Sienna Miller + Balthazar Getty
Relationships Off:
Sienna Miller + Balthazar Getty
Watch Out New York
Evil woman Heather Mills is looking for a New York pad with her ill-gotten gains. She had to answer questions in order to buy a flat in a swanky portered apartment block. My advice to the panel is whatever answer she gave – the truth is probably the opposite.
Beyonce Turned White
A L’Oreal advert has been criticised after Beyonce Knowles seemed to be made to look white with blonde hair. We think she looks hot in her natural skin colour. Check out the picture here.
Madonna has the most requested body parts for plastic surgery patients.
Morgan Freeman Crash
The actor crashed his car in Mississippi, rolling it many times. He suffered several broken bones but is said to be fine. Get well soon!
Pete Doherty Sinks to New Low
A boating trip for Mr Doherty ended in disaster when the rowing boat sprung a leak in Scotland biggest lake, Loch Lomond. Everyone though it was hilarious until one realised, “we could have drowned.”
Iggy Pop Crime
Iggy Pop’s gear has been nicked. No, not drugs. His music equipment. If you are offered any knocked off guitars, be a good one of the Friends of Celebrities and let him know.
Why does Katie Holmes look more and more like husband Tom Cruise every day?
Madonna’s Landlord Trouble
The pop singers London pub – The Punchbowl – was under fire after it turned out it was charging higher prices to tourists. This is illegal and could mean she loses the licence to her local which she bought last year.
P-Diddy and Jay-Z and Beyonce are all looking for homes in posh Mayfair, London.
From Russia In Love
Allegedly fallen rock legend Ronnie Wood has moved his teen lover into a hotel near his rehab. She also has her own chaffeur driven car so she can visit Ronnie whenever he wants.
And finally…
Paris Hilton’s presidential manifesto is:
1. Paint the Whitehouse pink
2. Make Rihanna Vice-President
3. Not to promise change but just to be hot.
She has our vote!!!
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