Ever wondered what Victoria Beckham would be like as a tin sold at the grocery store? Here she is:
Pouting, pointing, shopping, mothering, appearing in Hello! magazine, singing (trace)
Storage Instructions
Store in a cool dry place, preferably Beckingham Palace. Always keep close to bodyguards and photographers. Once opened keep in limelight at all times.
Serving Instructions
For best results serve with a tin of David Beckham or a side order of Brooklyn or Romeo or Cruz. Victoria Beckham counts as half a portion. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF RECORDING CONTRACTS.
**This product contains artificial enhancers**
(Would you like to see these as T-shirts? Let me know. Email John@friendsofcelebrities.com and I can get some made or leave a post. Thanks.)
Wow this is so good!!
Who's made that?
Is you,John?
I realy like it!!
That is genius!!
It will be major!!
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